12. Morning address


You go to India, then Japan, then back to Europe to find enlightened teachers, you shift from one to the other. It’s all external religion. Christ died from that and you actually died with Him. Instead of knowing this you read all the books and watch all the shows. Same thing as the young man coming up to Jesus, calling him Good Master. Christ is this vast open ocean of love right here, right now. There is nothing to do here except the real life. So seeking is confusion.

Jesus came to deliver us also from this seeking. The painful consequences of our seeking dreams fades away in His freeedom. But until then these consequences exist by the one law of the universe, the true will of the Perfect. That broken form of life that is your religious dream about yourself renders suffering inevitable; it is the natural consequence of the unnatural — and, in the perfection of God’s creation, the result is curative of the cause; the pain at least tends to the healing of the breach. This is the brilliant function of pain and sorrow. So don’t complain, it is all for the good !

Christ never came to deliver men from the consequences of their dream sins, while yet those sins remained: that would be to cast out of window the medicine of cure while yet the man lay sick, you see that, don’t you? As soon as you let him live this reality the sins all go away. That is waking up.

To live this selftalk life is to go dead against the very laws of being. Yet people, loving their self dreams, and feeling nothing of their dread in it, take this word concerning the Lord to mean that he came to save them from the punishment of their sins. Not so, it will hurt to live in a false dream. Even the helix spiral of you DNA will cramp tight together, visibly, when you suffer.

The idea of yourself — the miserable fiction rather — has terribly corrupted the preaching of the gospel in most of our churches. The message of the good news has not been truly delivered. Unable to believe in the life in Christ, the total forgiveness, the dream is pursued further into varius religious acts.

In the dream of ourselves there are images of God not at liberty to forgive, or incapable of forgiving all distractions in us. Religious people in many churches do not really believe God to be our Saviour, but a God bound, either in his own nature or by a law above him and compulsory upon him. Some teach that Jesus came to bear our punishment and save us from hell.

The mission of Christ is total open love through His living in us and as us.  He came to clean out our bad dreams about ourselves. He came to set us free from all self content. No one is safe from hell until he or she is free from the content of dream self delusion. To live in that dream may indeed sometimes feel as if we were in hell. There is actually no other hell to think of than that of this self dream condition.

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